有機JAS認定、非濃縮還元、砂糖・デキストリン不使用、ビーガン、グルテンフリー、No GMO(遺伝子組み換えでない)、Raw(生)
【内容量】 180g(個包装されていませんのでご注意下さい)
【原材料】 ブラックカラント(カシス)
Freeze dried Organic Blackcurrant Powder direct from growers in New Zealand. Blackcurrants are rich in anthocyanins and Vitamin C - in fact, they contain nearly 4x as much Vitamin C as oranges. Simply add to yoghurt, smoothies, cereal, ice cream or pancake mix. For recovery from exercise or physical excursion, 10g is recommended. For everyday use and anti-ageing benefits, 5g per day is ideal.
Country of Origin: New Zealand
Contents: 180g (for individually wrapped smaller sachets, please see our other products)
Ingredients: Blackcurrants