素材のジュートは、燃やしても害がなく、土に埋めると微生物の働きで土に還る環境に優しい素材です。内側は ポリプロピレン加工で、液漏れにも対応。軽くて丈夫で、形崩れにも優れています。大容量ながらも、2つに折りたためるので、お仕事鞄にいれて、仕事帰りのお買い物も、荷物が増えても大丈夫。
- ジュートは100%生分解され、再利用可能です。庭に埋めても微生物により分解され、土に戻ります。
- ジュートは自然の雨で育つことができ、栽培に多くの水を必要としません。
- ジュートは栽培に肥料や農薬を必要としません。
- ジュートは二酸化炭素を吸収し、木よりも早く酸素を放出します。
- ジュートは土を肥沃にし、次の作物のためになります。
Eco-friendly Jute Bag for Life
This stylish and environmentally friendly shopping bag was designed by well-known New Zealand fashion designer Trelise Cooper. Perfect for anyone looking to reduce their plastic consumption!
Trelise Totes are made from jute, a fully biodegradable material which can also be burnt safely. Jute is lightweight and strong, and the tote folds into two, making it easy to store inside a work bag for the way home. The inside of the tote is treated with polypropylene meaning there's no need to worry about spills or condensation.
Trelise Cooper bags are produced to the highest ethical standards using a completely transparent supply chain.
These three designs are unique to Japan.
What's special about jute?
- Jute is 100% biodegradable and reusable. It can even be buried in the garden where it will be naturally composted by microorganisms.
- Jute does not require much water to produce - it can be grown using just natural rainwater irrigation.
- Jute does not need fertiliser or pesticides to produce.
- Jute absorbs carbon dioxide, and produces oxygen faster than trees.
- Jute is a natural fertiliser which helps to enrich soil.
Product Name: Trelise Cooper Marche Tote
Country of origin: India (designed in New Zealand)
Care notes: hand-wash only. Not suitable for washing machines, tumble dryers, ironing or dry cleaning. If your tote becomes dirty, pat gently clean with a damp cloth. Avoid using in rain whenever possible. Colours may transfer when in contact with other fabrics.