◎乾燥 ◎ゴワつき ◎肌荒れ
*1 ニューサイラン種子油:保湿成分、肌保護成分
*2 ギョリュウバイ枝/花/葉水:整肌成分、肌保護成分
A rich and nourishing hand and body cream.
It is simple, and designed to nourish while also addressing sensitive areas. It has Mānuka water that helps balance the PH levels in the skin and close the pores. While the Harakeke Oil is rich in omegas 3, 6 and 9 it also has a high linoliec content, it’s an amino acid that is incredibly nourishing for the skin, while its active constituents the Mānuka water also helps with inflammation.
It is perfect for rejuvenating dry hands, but also for joints and cracked parts of the body that require a content rich cream to soothe